Visiting Scholars
Prof. Alessio D’Angelo, University of Nottingham (U.K.), guest, supervisonr: prof. Andrea Maccarini;
Prof. Markus Krienke, Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (Switzerland), guest, supervisor: Prof. Marta Ferronato;
Prof. Daša Nováčiková, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia), Short term visiting Professor, supervisor: Prof. Sara Pennicino;
Prof. Miriam Acebillo Baqué, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), joint research centre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV),(SPAIN), Short term visiting Professor, supervisor: Prof. Matteo Bassoli;
Prof. Donna Greschner, University of Victoria, (Canada), guest, supervisonr: prof. Sara Pennicino;
Dr. Bruno Daniel Alfonzo, Visiting PhD Fellow, Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Buenos Aires (Argentina), guest, supervisor: Prof. Marta Ferronato
Dr. Iñaki Fernández, PostDoc Fellow, University of the Basque Country (Spain), guest, supervisor: prof. Filippo Focardi;
Dr. Alberto Ganis, PostDoc Fellow, University of California, Santa Cruz (U.S.A.), guest, supervisor: prof.Patrizia Messina;
Prof. Adela Romero Tarín, Universidad de Alicante,(Spain), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: prof.ssa Antonella Cancellier;
Prof. Dolores Cubells Aguilar, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (Spain), Erasmus teaching mobility,supervisor: prof.ssa Antonella Cancellier;
Prof. Alexandre Duarte, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor:prof. Vincenzo Durante;
Prof. Damien Short, University of London - School of Advanced Study (U.K.), Erasmus teaching mobility,supervisor: Prof. Paolo De Stefani;
Dr. Shi Haimo, Visiting PhD Fellow, Renmin University of China, ( China) guest, supervisor: prof. Luca Basso;
Dr. Iñaki Fernández, PostDoc Fellow, University of the Basque Country (Spain), guest, supervisor: prof. Filippo Focardi;
Prof. Pierpaolo Antonello, University of Cambridge (UK), Short term visiting professor, supervisor: prof. Marta Ferronato;
Prof. Prof Juanita Roca Sanchez, Universidad Mayor de Sant Andres - UMSA (Bolivia), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Francesco Berti;
Prof. Emmanuel Oguri Freitas, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS, (Bahia, Brazil), guest, supervisor: prof. Vincenzo Durante;
Prof. Guillermo Guzmán Prudencio, CIDES, Universidad Mayor de Sant Andres - UMSA (Bolivia), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Francesco Berti;
Prof. Alfredo Vicente Seoane Flores, CIDES, Universidad Mayor de Sant Andres - UMSA (Bolivia), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Francesco Berti;
Prof. Adela Romero Tarín, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), guest, supervisor: prof. Antonella Cancellier;
Prof. Veronica O'Regan,University of Limerick (Ireland), guest, supervisor: prof.ssa Francesca Helm;
Prof. Magdalena Ratajczak, University of Wroclaw (Poland), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Paolo De Stefani;
Prof. Victoria Rodríguez Blanco , Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain), Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Sergio Gerotto;
Prof. Zoltan Petrovics, Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest (Hungary, Erasmus teaching mobility, supervisor: Prof. Andrea Sitzia;
Prof. Emanuele Colombo, DePaul University, Chicago, (USA), visiting scientist, ref. prof. Giovannucci Pierluigi.
Prof. Daniel Roger Maul, University of Oslo (Norway), visiting scientist, ref. prof. Mechi Lorenzo.
Dott. Iñaki Fernández, University of the Basque Country (Spagna), guest, ref. prof. Focardi Filippo.
Prof. Petra Roter, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana (Slovenia), visiting professor, ref. prof. Paolo De Stefani.
PhD Student Cernovska Eliska, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), guest, ref. prof. Paolo Roberto Graziano.
PhD Student Gelencser Ildiko Eva, (Hungary), guest, ref. prof. Paolo Roberto Graziano.
Prof. Joanna Malgorzata Sondel-Cedarmas, docente presso l'Università Jagellonica di Cracovia (Polonia), Visiting Scientist, ref. Prof. Filiberto Agostini.
Prof. Pierpaolo Antonello, University of Cambridge (UK), Visiting Scientist, ref. prof. Marta Ferronato.
Prof. Hubert Heyriès, Università di Montpellier (FR), Visiting Scientist, ref. prof. Monica Fioravanzo.
Prof. Yenni Esmeralda Vega Cardenas, Université di Montréal (Canada), Visiting Scientist, ref. prof. Sergio Gerotto.
Prof. Juliana Martinez, UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná - Federal University of Parana (Brasile), Visiting Scientist, ref. Prof. Francesca Helm.
Prof. Donna Greschner, University of Victoria (Canada), Visiting Scientist, ref. prof. Sara Pennicino.
Dr. Sara Iriarte, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), guest, ref. prof. Antonella Cancellier.
Dr. Dylan O’Brien Davis, University of Santa Cruz, California (USA), guest, ref. prof. Mauro Farnesi Camellone.
Prof. Rooduijn Matthijs, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), guest, ref. prof. Paolo Roberto Graziano.
Prof. Valdemar João Wesz Junior, Latin American Institute of Economics, Society and Politics, Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil), guest, ref. prof. Patrizia Messina.
Prof. Ioannis Kanellos, IMT-Atlantique (Brest, Francia), Guest, ref. Prof. Michele De Gioia.
Prof. Dainora Pociute, Vilnius University (Lithuania), Visiting Scientist, referente: Professor Antonella Barzazi;
Prof. Lisa Maria Heschl, Graz University (Austria), Visiting Professor, Refugee Human Rights Protection, Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, referent: Professor Marco Mascia.
Daniela Regina Pellin, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS (Brasile), prog. Be a Doc., referent : Professor Vincenzo Durante.
PhD in Public Law at University of Valley of River of Bells, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (2018). This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, also Coimbra Group International Programm Be_a_Doc. Master in Law of Society of Information (2010). Teacher and Researcher in Society, Law, New Technologies/Nanotechnologies and Arbitration. Lawyer.
Prof. Léonce Maria Bekemans (Belgio), Visiting Professor, Theory and Practice of Multi-level Governance, Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, referent: Professor Marco Mascia.
Léonce Bekemans has an international profile and interdisciplinary academic background with a long-lasting research and multi-lingual teaching/research experience in European studies and an international publication record. He has been for 10 years professor at the College of Europe and worked for various European institutes. His main research interests relate to the broad area of value-oriented integration studies with a focus on the relations between economy, polity, culture and society from a global, European and local perspective and their wider societal impact. He holds the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam “Globalisation, Europeanisation, Human Development” at the University of Padua and is the academic coordinator of its Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Intercultural dialogue, Human Rights and Multi-level Governance”at the University’s Human Rights Centre. He is an expert to the Council of Europe, Unesco, the EU, Committee of the Regions and Anna Lindh Foundation in relation to European education, intercultural dialogue and multi-level governance issues. He is also the president of Europahuis “Ryckevelde”, a not-for-profit organisation dealing with European citizenship in Bruges . His most recent publications are “Intercultural Dialogue and Multi-level Governance. A Human Rights Based Approach” (2012), “A Value Driven European Future” (2012), and “Globalisation vs Europeanisation: A Human-centric Interaction” (2013). He is the director of the Series “Europe of Cultures”, published by Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers. He is also member of various international scientific and advisory boards.
Prof. Donna Greschner, University of Victoria (Canada), Visiting Scientist/Professor, Human Rights Practice, Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, referent: Professor Sara Pennicino.
Donna Greschner is a Professor of Law at the University of Victoria, Canada, where she was Dean of Law from 2008 to 2013. Greschner has extensive experience with human rights practice, serving as Chief Commissioner of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission from 1992-96 and as a Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission from 1987-90. A member of the Saskatchewan and California Bars, Greschner has advised many governments, First Nations and non-profit organizations on constitutional and human rights questions. She was a member of the Government of Saskatchewan's negotiating team for the Charlottetown Accord in 1992, and a consultant to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1990-91) and the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2003). Her international work includes advising the African National Congress on constitutional issues in 1991, and consulting on anti-discrimination policies for the Commission on Labor Co-operation in 2004-05. Her awards include the 2002 University of Saskatchewan’s Master Teacher Award for teaching excellence.
Prof. Dainora Pociute, Vilnius University (Lithuania), referent: Professor Antonella Barzazi.
An active scholar and professor in early modern intellectual history, Renaissance and Baroque literature and Reformation and Counter-Reformation history. More recently has grown increasingly interested in the activities of Italian religious dissidents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland and the origins of early Protestant thought in the Eastern European area. After a decade of research work in the archives and libraries in Italy and other European countries those interest have been summarised in the latest books Rebellious Cathedrals. Early Reformation and the Contacts between Lithuanian and Italian Evangelicals (2008) as well as critical publications of Monumenta Reformationis Lithuanicae, t. 1-2, 2011, 2015) where Italian origins of Lithuanian Reformation were analysed in a broad intelectual context of European religious thought. In the latest monograph Light of Things Not Seen: the Champions and Ideas of the Reformation in Lithuania (2017) the most notable participants of the Reformation, their ideas and the general course of this historical process in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are all thoroughly analyzed.
Prof. Lisa Maria Heschl, Graz University (Austria), Visiting Professor, Refugee Human Rights Protection, Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance, referent: Professor Marco Mascia.
She is a post-doctoral research and teaching fellow at the European Training and Research Centre on Human Rights and Democracy at the University of Graz (UNI-ETC). She received her PhD in law from the University of Graz and holds a European master ' s degree in human rights and democratisation (EMA). Her research focuses on the European migration and asylum policy and legislation, the extraterritorial application of international and European refugee and human rights law and its relation to European border policies. Her most recent publication is, L. Heschl, Protecting the Rights of Refugees beyond European Borders: Establishing Extraterritorial Responsibilities (Intersentia 2018).
Sara Iriarte, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), PhD Student, referent: Professor Antonella Cancellier.
As a translator and PHD student in Literature Studies, Sara J. Iriarte works in the Institute of Humanistic Critical Studies (IECH, UNR-CONICET) and the Chair of XIX Century Argentinian Literature (UNR). She investigates the representation of the gaucho as a bandit and the projections of the translations of the narrative poem Martín Fierro in English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
Prof. Graham Wilson, Boston University (USA), Visiting Scientist, referent: Professor Giorgia Nesti.
He is Director of the Initiative on Cities at Boston University. He is conducting research on the relationship between cities and financial institutions. In particular, he is exploring how cities compete to attract financial institutions to their cities and to be global financial centers. In the aftermath of Brexit, many cities (Milan, Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin) have the opportunity to attract financial institutions that London is losing. However this will require the cities and their national governments to adopt taxation and regulatory frameworks that are attractive to financial institutions perhaps at the cost of taxation revenues or measures intended to promote financial stability. He is also conducting research on actions taken by cities to express political viewpoints through financial measures. Amongst the most important of these are divestitures of stock in corporations of whose activities the cities disapprove; notable examples include divestiture from carbon intensive (e.g. oil producing) companies.
Prof. Juliana Zeggio Martinez, Federal University of Parana (UFPR, Brazil), Visiting Scientist, referent: Professor Francesca Helm.
She is a faculty member at the Modern Languages Department in the School of Humanities and, as a Professor of Applied Linguistics, her teaching focuses on language teacher education as well as language and educational policies. She is also a member of Núcleo de Assessoria Pedagógica (NAP-UFPR), a Center for Continuing Language Teacher Education created to enhance collaboration and bridge gaps among teacher educators and pre-service and in-service teachers. Juliana holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In her recent research, she is interested in examining the discorses, practices, and policies of internationalization in Higher Education along with the spread of English in times of neoliberal globalization. Department in the School of Humanities and, as a Professor of Applied Linguistics, her teaching focuses on language teacher education as well as language and educational policies. She is also a member of Núcleo de Assessoria Pedagógica (NAP-UFPR), a Center for Continuing Language Teacher Education created to enhance collaboration and bridge gaps among teacher educators and pre-service and in-service teachers. Juliana holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In her recent research, she is interested in examining the discorses, practices, and policies of internationalization in Higher Education along with the spread of English in times of neoliberal globalization.
Prof. Ioannis Kanellos, IMT-Atlantique (Brest, Francia), Guest, referent: Professor Michele De Gioia.
He is Professor at the IMT Atlantique (www.imt-atlantique.fr), a public engineer school in the system of french “Grandes Écoles”. Coming from the area of mathematics (PhD), he initially demonstrated an interest on knowledge representation subjects in computer science (research director). He also studied linguistics with a specialization to interpretation theories (research director). The last years, his applied research work focuses on adaptive, human-centered mediation systems. His activities find epistemological grounds in ancient Greek philosophers. He is thoroughly interested in digital semiotics, i.e. today’s mutations in reading, interpreting and understanding human universes, with a particular focus on contemporary constructions of “reality”, “objectivity” and “truth(fulness)” in scientific and social debates.
Siniša Zrinščak, University of Zagreb (Croatia),Visiting Professor, Religions and Human Rights, Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance.
PhD in Sociology, is Professor and Head of the Chair of Sociology at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, and was since 2013 Professor of European and Comparative Social Policy at the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. His main scientific interests include religious and social policy changes in post-communism, Church-State relations, European and comparative social policy, and gender. He served as President (2006-2014) and Vice-President (2001-2006) of the ISORECEA (International Study of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe Association), Vice-President of the International Sociological Association RC 22 (2006-2014) President (2005-2007) and Vice-President (2007-2009, 2013-2014) of the Croatian Sociological Association, Editor-in-chief of the Croatian Journal of Social Policy (2002-2009), General Secretary of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (2013-2017), etc. Currently, he is Vice-coordinator of the ESA RN34, member of the Scientific Committee of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and an Associate Editor in the European Journal of Social Work. He has been involved in several mainly international scientific projects, and has numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and books. For more information see: https://www.sinisazrinscak.com/
José Carlos de Bartolomé Cenzano, Professor and Coordinator of the Department of Costitutional Law at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), Guest, referent: Professor Antonella Cancellier.
Facundo C. Rocca, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), PhD Student, referent: Professor Luca Basso.
Political Scientist from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, he is currently finishing a PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin, in cotutelle with Université Paris 8. His PhD research focuses on the critique of the juridical-form in Karl Marx’s oeuvre and its reassessment by post-marxist french thought (particularly by Claude Lefort and Jacques Rancière), with especial attention to the marxian critique of the Rights of Men, the forms of political subjectivation involved in Marx’s critique of political economy, and the question of subjectivization and law in political modernity. He is currently engaged in exploring the problem of modern law, rights and subjectivization in Marx’s late work on non-western communities, in dialogue with the postcolonial critique of modern political concepts and the politics of human rights.
Prof. Pierpaolo Antonello, University of Cambridge (UK), Visiting Scientist, referent: Professor Marta Ferronato.
He is Reader in Italian literature and culture at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of St John’s College. He specializes in contemporary Italian literature, culture and intellectual history. He also published on French philosophy and epistemology, with particular reference to René Girard, Michel Serres, and Guy Debord. With João Cezar de Castro Rocha he published a long interview with René Girard: Evolution and Conversion: Dialogues on the Origins of Culture (London: Continuum, 2008), translated into nine languages. He also edited several collections of essays and books by Girard, including Il sacrificio (Milan: Cortina, 2002); Christianity, Truth, and Weakening Faith: A Dialogue, with Gianni Vattimo (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010); Miti d’origine. Persecuzioni e ordine culturale, with Giuseppe Fornari (Massa: Transeuropa, 2005). He is member of the Research and Publications committees of ‘Imitatio. Integrating the Human Sciences’.
Asli Vatansever, Doğuş University (Istanbul, Turchia)/ Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Germania), Scholar Rescue Fund Fellow, referent: Professor Claudia Padovani.
Aslı Vatansever (b. 1980, Istanbul) is an associate professor of sociology of work with a focus on precarious academic labor. She received her PhD degree in Sociology from the University of Hamburg in January 2010. Between September 2010 and April 2016 she was a faculty member at the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Doğuş University (Istanbul), until she was removed from her office for having signed the Peace Petition of the Academics for Peace and for continuing to raise her voice in national and international press against the authoritarian politics of the AKP-government. She was hosted as a guest researcher at the Zentrum moderner Orient (October 2016-May 2017), Centre Marc Bloch (June-July 2017), and as a Scholar Rescue Fund Fellow at the Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies at the University of Padova (September 2017-August 2018). Currently, she is a guest researcher at the institute Re:Work. Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History of the Humboldt University in Berlin. She continues to work on the relationship between precarization and subjectivation. Her research interests focus on the dynamics of the current transition of capitalist societies in general, and on the changing nature of capital-labor relations in particular. Her books include Ursprünge des Islamismus im Osmanischen Reich. Eine weltsystemanalytische Perspektive (Sources of Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, Hamburg: 2010) and Ne Ders Olsa Veririz. Akademisyenin Vasıfsız İşçiye Dönüşümü (Ready to Teach Anything. The Transformation of the Academic into Unskilled Worker, Istanbul: 2015, co-authored).
Prof. Donna Greschner, University of Victoria (Canada), Visiting Scientist/Professor, referent: Professor Sara Pennicino.
Donna Greschner is a Professor of Law at the University of Victoria, Canada, where she was Dean of Law from 2008 to 2013. Greschner has extensive experience with human rights practice, serving as Chief Commissioner of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission from 1992-96 and as a Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission from 1987-90. A member of the Saskatchewan and California Bars, Greschner has advised many governments, First Nations and non-profit organizations on constitutional and human rights questions. She was a member of the Government of Saskatchewan's negotiating team for the Charlottetown Accord in 1992, and a consultant to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1990-91) and the Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (2003). Her international work includes advising the African National Congress on constitutional issues in 1991, and consulting on anti-discrimination policies for the Commission on Labor Co-operation in 2004-05. Her awards include the 2002 University of Saskatchewan’s Master Teacher Award for teaching excellence.
Prof. Dainora Pociute, Vilnius University (Lithuania), referent: Professor Antonella Barzazi.
An active scholar and professor in early modern intellectual history, Renaissance and Baroque literature and Reformation and Counter-Reformation history. More recently has grown increasingly interested in the activities of Italian religious dissidents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland and the origins of early Protestant thought in the Eastern European area. After a decade of research work in the archives and libraries in Italy and other European countries those interest have been summarised in the latest books Rebellious Cathedrals. Early Reformation and the Contacts between Lithuanian and Italian Evangelicals (2008) as well as critical publications of Monumenta Reformationis Lithuanicae, t. 1-2, 2011, 2015) where Italian origins of Lithuanian Reformation were analysed in a broad intelectual context of European religious thought. In the latest monograph Light of Things Not Seen: the Champions and Ideas of the Reformation in Lithuania (2017) the most notable participants of the Reformation, their ideas and the general course of this historical process in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are all thoroughly analyzed.
Prof. Ioannis Kanellos, IMT-Atlantique (Brest, Francia), Guest, referent: Professor Michele De Gioia.
He is Professor at the IMT Atlantique (www.imt-atlantique.fr), a public engineer school in the system of french “Grandes Écoles”. Coming from the area of mathematics (PhD), he initially demonstrated an interest on knowledge representation subjects in computer science (research director). He also studied linguistics with a specialization to interpretation theories (research director). The last years, his applied research work focuses on adaptive, human-centered mediation systems. His activities find epistemological grounds in ancient Greek philosophers. He is thoroughly interested in digital semiotics, i.e. today’s mutations in reading, interpreting and understanding human universes, with a particular focus on contemporary constructions of “reality”, “objectivity” and “truth(fulness)” in scientific and social debates.
Rodolfo Gutierrez Silva, Fundación Universitaria Area Andina (Bogotà, Colombia), referent: Professor Elena Pariotti.
Prof. Jose Luiz Ames, State University of Western Paraná – UNIOESTE (Brasile), referent: Professor Luca Basso.
Prof. Patricia Urquieta, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés CIDES-UMSA (La Paz – Bolivia), referent: Professor Maria Stella Righettini.
Prof. Rodrigo Bousfield, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-UFSC (Brasile), referent: Professor Vincenzo Durante.
Prof. Stéphane Beaulac, Université de Montréal (Canada), referent: Professor Sergio Gerotto.
Prof. Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas, Università Jagellonica (Cracovia, Polonia), referent: Professor Francesco Berti.
Prof. Léonce Bekemans (Belgio), Jean Monnet Programme, Theory and Practice of Multi-level Governance (mod. B), Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance
Prof. Léonce Bekemans (Belgio), Visiting Professor, Theory and Practice of Multi-level Governance (mod. B), Second Cycle Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance
Prof. Uday Singh Mehta (USA), Visiting Professor, Global Transformation and Political Cultures (Mod. B), Second Cycle Degree in European Studies
Prof. Jacopo Tognon (Italy), Jean Monnet Programme, Diritto e politica europea dello sport, First Cycle Degree in Political Science, International Studies and Human Rights