Research groups
National and international research groups of the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI):
Principles and rules for the protection of cultural heritage
Scientific coordinator: Prof. Maurizio Malo
In view of the special attention that the EU devotes to the protection of cultural heritage (also through the Horizon 2020 programme), the research aims to respondto fundamental questions relating to the organisation of cultural heritage, at the European and national levels.
For more information visit the website.
Politics and History
Scientific coordinators: Professor Marco Almagisti and Professor Giorgia Bulli
The Standing Group "Politics and History" of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP) and its origin.
A standing group is a stable research group established within the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), connecting scholars sharing thematic interests. The members of this standing group hold the idea that it is not possible to understand the main political processes of the contemporary world without referring to the "long duration" of historical processes.
Topics of reference
The group identifies the Italian political system as a fruitful object of research and reflection, comparing the main interpretations of the political change that took place in the twenty-year period 1992 - 2018 with "long-term" interpretations relating to the phylogeny of the Italian State, its system of political parties and its political cultures.
In the Italian context, the persistence of the North/South divide, both in socio-economic dimensions and the characteristics connected to political delegation, is of undeniable importance. Further elements of interest can be identified in the different trajectories of political and economic development at the local level.
It is clear that the comparison with history at a subnational level is also facilitated by some recent trends that emerged from the seventies among historians themselves, with the affirmation of the so-called "micro-history". "Microhistory", is understood as local history, not only from a quantitative point of view (Ginzburg, 1994; De Niccolò, 2008). Above all, studies of sociability and political symbolism matured, again in the Seventies, in French historiography, such as those conducted by Maurice Agulhon (1991) and was incorporated in the research of Italian historians very open to comparison with the social sciences, such as, for example, Maurizio Ridolfi (1999).
Noting the importance of comparative historical analysis at an international level, we reiterate that ample space will also be devoted to the context of international relations and European integration, in which the comparison between historians and political scientists seems particularly important.
Scientific Objectives
The objective of this standing group is to encourage the development and dissemination of historical polytheology, facilitating the comparison between political scientists and historians. In this sense, the promoting committee intends to promote panels and round tables at the annual conference of Sisp and independently, identifying from time to time issues to be explored in view of outlining completed research projects.
Publications developed within the Standing Group Politics and History.
Marco Almagisti, Paolo Graziano (ed.) (2017), II Movimento Cinque Stelle: Prospettive di ricerca a confronto, monographic issue of the magazine "Quaderni di Scienza politica", XXIV, 3.
Marco Almagisti, Carlo Baccetti, Paolo Graziano (ed.), Introduction to historical polytheology. Theoretical questions and case studies, Carocci publisher, Rome, in bookstores from 27 September 2018.
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