ICT Services
- Giulio Bardelli (ICT services coordinator)
Office: via del Santo, 28 - Roberto Debbia (multimedia technician, systems operator)
Office: via del Santo, 28 - Francesco Gasparini (systems and networks administrator)
Office: via VIII febbraio, 2 - Ivan Rosiello (systems operator)
Office: via del Santo, 28
Since the service's activities are carried out in several different sites, it is recommended to use the following email addresses, whenever possible, as the main support channel.
PLEASE NOTE: for any requests related to Uniweb, study plans, enrolment in exams and degree exams don't apply to the ICT Service; please apply to the Teaching Office instead.
Write to informatici.spgi@unipd.it to request:
- Hardware and software technical support
- Technical support for projects and events
- Technical support in the classroom
- Purchases of ICT products and services
- Technical consultancy
- Booking of ICT tools
- Badges to access the Department premises
Write to comunicazione.spgi@unipd.it to request:
- Authoring/editing of informational/promotional material
- Updates to the Department’s web site
- Consultancy for new web sites
- Consultancy for the creation/editing of audio/video materials
Write to moodle.spgi@unipd.it to request:
- Consultancy and technical support on the Moodle Didattica and Moodle Esami platforms
All of the SPGI Department sites are reached by the Departments's wifi infrastructure, which allows to connect to the Eduroam network as well as to the SPGIWIFI and SPGIGUESTS networks, reserved to the Department's internal users and guests respectively.