PhD Programme
The Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies offers a PhD Programme in "Diritto Internazionale e Diritto Privato e del Lavoro" (International, Private and Labour Law).
The Course offers interdisciplinary training integrating the perspectives of international law (public and private), private law (comparative and European) and labour law (and trade union organizations) that are a basis for the achievement of a specific competence in one of the following areas of research:
- private law, which is considered in comparison with other European legal systems rather than from the point of view of the Italian legal system;
- labour law and trade union law in the perspective of the internal system, the comparison between state systems within the EU, the Community system, international law;
- public and private international law and European Union law, also in view of their historical evolution.
The Course promotes and enhances the mobility of doctoral students, with the aim of encouraging the process of internationalization through agreements with foreign universities. This is the framework for the joint PhD programme with the University of Innsbruck (Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät), launched together with the PhD course in Law (PhD-Doktoratsstudium Italienisches Recht/Doctorate of research in legal subjects).
The possibilities of professional and academic integration of PhDs can be summarized as follows:
- access to the liberal legal professions and legal professions in general (lawyers, judges, notaries);
- access to the managerial roles of local, national and supranational public administrations
- possibility of integration, as consultants, in the industrial and commercial sectors;
- access to the academic roles of lecturer in the scientific-disciplinary sectors involved in the training activities of the Course.
For more information about the PhD Programme visit the Italian webpage: https://www.spgi.unipd.it/ricerca/dottorati-di-ricerca/DottDirSPGI
Please note that the University of Padua coordinates the International Joint Ph.D Programme "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance".
For more information visit: http://www.humanrights-jointphd.org/