EGOS students - Scholars at Risk (SAR) Student Advocacy Seminar (6 ECTS)
Dal 23.02.2021 al 30.06.2021
Scholars at Risk (SAR) Student Advocacy Seminar (6 ECTS) will be starting at the end of February 2021.
The laboratory is organized in collaboration between SPGI department and the international network Scholars at Risk. The Advocacy Seminar Series on Academic Freedom provides university students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through direct engagement on behalf of threatened members of the global higher education community facing unjust restrictions, prosecution, or imprisonment. Over the course of the seminar, students will gain a deep understanding of both the value of the academic freedom they enjoy, and the risks scholars and students around the world face in the pursuit of knowledge. Students organize awareness-raising advocacy initiatives and prepare an end-of-seminar report. In addition, students will have the chance to put their advocacy skills into practice at a number of public events. The seminar also collaborates with other SAR Student Advocacy seminars across the world, and will involve a range of guest speakers from NGOs and IGOs.
The Advocacy Seminar is taught by Prof. Claudia Padovani and Prof.Francesca Helm
The seminar is offered as a Laboratory activity for students in the European and Global Studies EGOS degree (max 20 participants; priority is given to students enrolled in II year, then I year with a background in international studies)
The seminar also welcomes students from the Master degrees in:
- Strategie della Comunicazione (max 4 participants)
- Human Rights and Multilevel Governance (max 4 participants)
- Relazioni Internazionali e Diplomazia (max 4 participants)
Deadline for applications: 21 February 2021 If you are interested click here to apply
Starting date of seminar: 23 February 2021