EGOS students Seminar - Visions of Justice in a Post-Covid Digital World: from research to advocacy
Dal 12.03.2021 al 23.04.2021
Public values in media and ICT
(laboratory, DISLL, UniPD)
a.a. 2020/21
Visions of Justice in a Post-Covid Digital World: from research to advocacy
Claudia Padovani (University of Padova)
in collaboration with
Prof. Krisztina Rozgonyi (University of Vienna)
Minna Aslama (University of Helsinki)
This is a special action research and learning seminar organized in partnership with the Universities of Vienna and Helsinki.
Titled ‘Visions of Justice in a Post-Covid Digital World: from research to advocacy’, this seminar is a unique opportunity to reflect on the current global Covid moment and its challenges from various standpoints, and how the digital fits into this equation.
Students in Padova will take part in transnational meetings and attend trans-disciplinary panels, while having an opportunity to work together with fellow students at the Universities of Vienna and Helsinki on developing research-action projects.
The starting point for this collaboration is an initiative promoted by the Just Net Coalition and IT for Change, titled Digital New Deal: a thoughtfully curated set of long reads authored by passionate and committed scholars, activists and visionaries from around the world on different matters of social justice, such as gender in/equality, sovereignty, labour and digital rights or climate justice, internet, data and society, AI and the state of our public sphere.
The Digital New Deal constitutes the starting point for this collaboration, so that students can identify current topics of interest, according to which they’ll create thematic groups. Groups will work throughout the seminar, reflecting on how research and knowledge becomes relevant to advocacy initiatives related to digital developments. In the end all groups will elaborate an ideal plan for advocating ‘visions of justice’ and will discuss their plans with all other participants.
All activities imply elements of critical reflection, debates and conversations, students’ interaction and personal commitment.
Classes will be held (only) online.
Language of course: English.
Interested students are invited to register for the seminar before February 24, 2021.
Expressions of interest to be sent to
Claudia Padovani