Padova Model UPR 2024

Human Rights Center

Dal 18.11.2024 al 22.11.2024

The 7th edition of the Padova Model Universal Periodic Review (UPR) will take place from 18-22 November 2024.

This annual academic simulation offers a unique opportunity to engage deeply with the Universal Periodic Review, a key United Nations mechanism that reviews the human rights records of all UN Member States. The Padova Model UPR is an original and comprehensive simulation designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the UPR procedure held in Geneva.

This interactive programme is a great way to learn about human rights, democracy, and diplomacy beyond the classroom setting. Participants will assume various roles, such as State delegates, NGOs, and National Human Rights Institutions, gaining a practical understanding of assessing States’ human rights records and addressing human rights violations.

The event is organized by an international team of students and former delegates, in coordination with professors from the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca" and the MA Degree Programme in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance (HRG) at the University of Padova.

There are no fees for participation, and the operational language is English.

For more information on the application procedures, requirements, and schedule, please visit:

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at