International Summer School on Public Policy - Venezia-Padova 2019


The International Summer School on Public Policy - Venezia-Padova 2019Democratic Governance, Policy Innovation and Learning Padova, July 8th – 13th 2019 is at the Second edition and it is recognized as one of the two Certificated European co-organized IPPA (International Public Policy Association) International Summer Schools.

It is an intensive residential six day course that brings together international scholars and Ph.D students, to discuss relevant dimensions of Governance Architecture, Policy Innovation and Learning Theories in and their translational implications (working language will be English). The Summer School aims to promote the diffusion of theories and methods of policy change in democratic systems of governance in the belief that they can improve policy effectiveness in meeting social demands.
The governance dimension of policy processes is one of the most frequently addressed issues in policy analysis. However, this aspect is also somewhat misunderstood and therefore can be difficult to work with. Public policy governance takes on considerable importance in the context of financial market failures, the pressure of migratory flows and terroristic attacks, and in relation to environmental and food risks that endanger human health.

The Summer School will offer its participants diverse approaches, research methods, case studies, a round table and working group sessions to deal with institutional variable in policy change in a comparative perspective.
In this edition the SSPP will seek to answer to the following questions:

  • Analytical tools. How can governance variables be studied in the context of democratic policy change and innovation?
  • Tools of policy innovation. What are the innovation tools and what are they for?
  • Governance and learning. How to develop a beneficiary-oriented perspective within the policy innovation?

The 2019 edition of the Summer School will focus on approaches and methods dealing with governance, policy innovation and learning in order to highlight links and connections that may be used by students in scientific research programs as well as by professionals working in both the public and private sectors.

The Summer school opening session takes place in Venice (Palazzo Ferro-Fini) and is hosted by the Veneto Region Assembly, the remaining lectures will take place in Padova (Department SPGI)
Each morning will feature a lecture (three hours) held by an international scholar, followed by an interactive discussion (one hour). Participants will be required to read a certain number of articles germane to each lecture, as an introductory activity to the morning sessions.
In the afternoon, sessions a case study will be presented (two hours) and then the class will be organized into working groups. Within each group, Ph.D. candidates and students are invited to discuss the case study (one hour) and then to present their research projects (one hour and a half).
The total amount of 48 hours will be dedicated to lectures and class activities during the week (8 per days).
The working groups will be coordinated by academic tutors and participants will have access to PCs, internet, documents and relevant data.
At the end of the week students will present and discuss the advancements of their projects or their case-studies. A certificate of participation will be awarded to each participant.

Call for application: 18th March to 3rd May, 2019
Here is the link to the application form: