Progetti di ricerca

REGARD - Ridurre il gioco d'azzardo attraverso strumenti di regolazione

REGARD – Reducing gambling through regulatory devices

Ambito disciplinare Macroarea 3

Area scientifica Area 16 - Scienze politiche e sociali

Tipologia finanziamento B.I.R.D. - Budget Integrato per la Ricerca dei Dipartimenti

Tipo di progetto Nazionale

Stato progetto Aperto

Responsabilità scientifica Coordinatore

Data avvio: 11 November 2021

Data termine: 10 November 2023

Durata: 24 mesi

Importo: € 28.037,00


Gruppo di ricerca:

Maria Stella Righettini (Università di Padova)

Paola Santinello (Università di Padova)

Daria Panebianco (Università di Padova)

Virve Marionneau (University of Helsinki - Centre for Research on Addictions, Control, and Governance)

Laura Fumagalli (Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex)

Personale contrattualizzato:

Niccolò Aimo

Anna Baratin

Vanessa Turri Mascia

Comitato scientifico:

Marco Sisto (Ufficio Pio – Compagnia San Paolo)

Maurizio Fiasco (Alea and Consulta Nazionale Antiusura)

Laura Laura Anselmi (Institute for Health Policy and Organisation IHPO - University of Manchester)

Principal investigator:

Matteo Bassoli


The research project aims to study the multilevel dynamics of gambling regulatory policy, using a transdisciplinary approach and a comparative perspective. It investigates "public legal gambling", focusing on its multifaceted nature of policymaking and socio- economic implications of consumption, through a study of the impact of regional and local anti-gambling regulations in Italy. Italy is analysed as a field of competition between actors to advance private interests, public health, and alternative visions of society.
To move beyond the framework of gambling as a purely epidemiological problem, the project addresses the issue with a public policy approach, to highlight how politics and decision-making influence the sector, assessing and evaluating the specific regulatory system. A topic modelling then complements this approach to understand the abundant jurisprudence, through the lens of administrative law; as well as the dynamics of consumption through the theoretical frame of social capital, concluding with the economic impact on market dynamics. The findings on the Italian regulatory policy will shed light on the more general European trend, thanks to the comparison with the British system (fully license-based) and the Finnish system (full monopoly).


This research project aims to investigate the Italian field of public legal gambling to gain useful knowledge about the development of the understudied gambling policy, along with its impact on both the production side, through an analysis of market operators and income generation, and of the consumption side, through a study of social gamblers, problematic ones and those addicted. The knowledge gained through this structural investigation will be made available through the development of open-database, research articles and dissemination activities.

The questions to be answered are the following:
(a) Macrolevel: during the two liberalisation phases (1987-2011 and 2012-2020) what are the main drivers behind the process? What are the perceived constrains? Is there any difference between the two phases?
(b) Mesolevel: given the conflict between different levels, what are the strategies pursued by the national government and the regions? Who are the winners and the losers of the conflict?
c) Microlevel: what is the impact of increasing restrictive local regulations on policy beneficiaries (players, families, and neighbourhoods) and intervention recipients (operators)?

Piano delle attività:

The empirical research programme is based on 7 main workpackages (WP):

WP0: Project coordination, administrative management, and creation of the multidisciplinary team (months 1-24).
WP1: Reconnaissance of the state of the art, based on a systematic review of the literature, using the approach of the PRISMA statement, with a particular focus on the political and administrative dimension (months 1-4).
WP2: Refinement of the theoretical framework (months 5-6).
WP3: Construction of an open-access database of subnational regulatory acts, through a systematic mapping of Italian local authority rulings (months 2-8).
WP4: Fieldwork, 25 interviews with policymakers; 10 interviews with gambling concessionaires and 10 interviews with operators of public and private care centres; 10 interviews with local gambling operators, and 100 interviews with social, problematic and pathological gamblers (months 7-18).
WP5: Data-analysis. Policy evaluation using the treatment effect approach, both on the supply side (the producers) and on the demand side (the consumers) (months 13-22).
WP6: Integration of the evidence of the different WPs for academic and nonacademic
