IMPORTANT : Submitting the graduation application makes further changes to the study plan impossible. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the plan is correct before submitting it. Requests for changes to the plan after the graduation application has been submitted cannot be taken into consideration!

To graduate I must:

  • apply for graduation on Uniweb by the deadline (there are several steps to apply for graduation, you will find the instructions below).
  • the upload of the thesis + supervisor's approval will be about 25 days before the day of graduation. Please, upload the final version of your thesis in PDF A (maximum 40 MB) named Name_Surnameon Uniweb after the supervisor’s approval. For any problems with applying for a degree or uploading a thesis: Read Faq.(Guidelines for uploading the thesis to Uniweb). 
  • have paid the tuition fees.
  • have sat and recorded all the exams/activities of your study plan at least 15 days before the graduation date.
  • have uploaded the confidential undertaking (Impegno di riservatezza) completed and signed in the dedicated Moodle page fifteen days before the day of proclamation.

Click the link to download the Confidential undertaking (Impegno di riservatezza.

The printing is not necessary.

  Graduation , deadlines sessions and graduation calendars

Graduation sessions:
First period
First Session – February
Second Session – March
Second period
First Session – June
Second Session – July
Third period A
First session – October
Third period B
Second session – November

  Graduaton application

Registering for graduation 
In order to graduate you must register for graduation on Uniweb by the deadline set for each graduation period.
The registration procedure is broken down into several steps and requires your supervisor to approve your dissertation title.
The application procedure and the guideline are available in the link below.

  Choice of Supervisor, Thesis and Plagiarism

Choice of Supervisor

The supervisor must be a professor of a teaching course present in the student's study plan. 

The thesis is the result of research carried out under the supervision of the thesis supervisor on a topic connected to the main subject area of the graduating student's curriculum.
The topic of the thesis does not necessarily need to be associated with a course in the student's study plan. It can be based on work experience (internship) or a period of study abroad.
The thesis is formally assigned by the thesis supervisor, who will oversee the progress of the work.
Students must write the thesis in English. The defense language is the same as the language in which the thesis is written.
The thesis also has an abstract, which summarizes the main topic in short.

For the format of your thesis, please contact your supervisor. 

The Supervisor will guide the students on any additional information from time to time.

The University pays particular attention to the originality of the student’s thesis. It must be the result of a personal contribution, without the aid of an outside consulting firm. Special attention must be paid to citations and it must not contain texts taken from other sources. To this end, the University has adopted a plagiarism checker software.

  Thesis defence, Diploma collection and Photography

The thesis defense

The thesis defense is in the presence. 
The student must defend the thesis in the presence of Commission Degree of at least five members, among whom the supervisor. The student can use PowerPoint slides. The defense lasts approximately 15 minutes and is followed by the speech of President of the Commission that communicates the final grade of the master’s degree and declares its completion.

Diploma collecion
The Diploma is delivered on the day of thesis defence.


Filming of Degree, Doctoral, and Master's Degree Sessions
1. Photography and videography during degree, doctoral, and master's degree sessions are permitted for professionals, non-professionals, or individuals chosen by the student. Premises access for filming is restricted to the photographer selected by the student.
2. The University is not involved in the contractual relationship between the student and the filming personnel and assumes no responsibility for the qualitative or commercial aspects of the service.
3. The photographer cannot depict other individuals without their prior consent. The service must not disrupt the smooth progress of the graduation session, nor become a source of disturbance and distraction for the student and the committee. Non-compliance with these conduct rules may result in the committee expelling the offender.


Release of certifications

You can request a degree certificate following the instructions available here:

Diploma supplement
The Diploma Supplement is available, free-of-charge in your Uniweb personal area as a digitally signed electronic document, around thirty days following the graduation date.
If you cannot display the Diploma Supplement in your personal area, please fill in the Diploma supplement form , attach a copy of your valid ID card, back and front, and send it to:

Open badge

Each graduate will automatically receive an email sent by the Bestr platform to collect the Open Badge.
for further information: What is and how to collect an Open badge


1) I decide to postpone the graduation date within the same graduation session. What should I do?
You must write to both:  and and request the shift by the last day of the previous graduation date. At this point you should inform your thesis supervisor. 
2) I cannot graduate in this graduation session and I want to postpone to the next session. What should I do?
You must cancel the previous application in uniweb and submit a new one notifying it to: and At this point you should inform your thesis supervisor. 
3) The title of the thesis inserted in the pdf/A file does not match the title indicated during the registration for graduation in uniweb. What should I do?
You must write to your thesis supervisor before the graduation date, who should communicate the new title (in Italian and English) to
4Should powerpoint slides be sent in advance?
No, the student must bring the powerpoint slides in a USB memory stick on the day of thesis defence.

5) Should I print my thesis? No, printing is not necessary.

6) Is it possible to include the co-supervisor in the degree application? No, only the supervisor and not the co-supervisor must be included in the degree application.


For future information: