Tutor junior desk

Tutor Junior Desk

Tutors, in Italian known as tutor junior, are a group of graduate students who welcome and guide all students from their first steps in the Department, and those who are about to finish their academic career.

They provide information about teaching activities, study plan, timetable and services offered by the Department.


  • Monday 10.00 a.m. -13.00 a.m
  • Wednesday 10.00 a.m.-13.00 a.m; 14.00 p.m.-16.00 p.m.
  • Friday 10.00 a.m.-13.00 a.m.



The Tutor Junior have an Instagram page 'tutorspgi' and provide a chat room via TELEGRAM  https://t.me/+Ck95LAuXkBczZWM0 where you can ask any questions or doubts about your studies.

Didactic Tutoring

The didactic tutoring service offers methodological support for the preparation of exams for undergraduate courses (laurea triennale) in law and political science. To schedule an appointment: tutoratodidattico.spgi@unipd.it