Laboratory | Memory and Media in the Western Balkans: Reporting & Storytelling

Aula D, Dipartimento SPGI

Dal 24.10.2024 al 23.01.2025

Scientific coordinator: Benedetto Zaccaria, University of Padua.

This 18hrs Lab aims at providing important insights on the everyday tasks of experts working for the think-tank Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) at the Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale (CCI) in Trento (Italy). It will be focused on memory and media, as two of the most relevant issues in the current analysis of politics and society in Southeast Europe.

Students will be provided with theoretical and practical tools and will be required to test them analyzing specific case studies from various perspectives and with different approaches.

At the end of the Laboratory, they will learn how to write a scientific report and how to turn this report into a video-clip or a video-podcast. High quality reports and the videoclips will be published on the OBCT website.


The laboratory will be held in Room D (Palazzo Ca' Dottori, via del Santo 28), from 12:30 to 14:30 (see the Program attached).

Students enrolled in the MA courses in Relazioni internazionali e diplomazia (RID) and Human Rights and Multilevel governance (HRG). Privileged access will be granted to students who will attend the course International history of the Balkans (Prof. Benedetto Zaccaria) in the Academic Year 2024/25.

You can register through the Moodle Page of the International History of the Balkans course for the A.Y. 24/25: