Laboratory | Research, Information and Dissemination on EU Policies in the Western Balkans

Dal 17.11.2022 al 22.12.2022

Scientific Coordinator: Benedetto Zaccaria, University of Padua

This 10-hrs laboratory offers the opportunity to approach the work of the "Osservatorio Balcani Causaso Transeuropa", an international Think Tank based in Trento (Italy) which deals with EU foreign policy and enlargement to the Western Balkans. Students will be offered the chance to acquire fundamental concepts and research practices such as: selecting themes, collect and use sources; process data; devise dissemination strategies for the produced material.
Who can register: Students enrolled in the MA courses in Relazioni internazionali e diplomazia (RID) and Human Rights and Multilevel governance (HRG). Privileged access will be granted to students who will attend the course of International history of the Balkans (academic year 2022/23).
How to apply: You can register through the Moodle Page of the International History of the Balkans course (
Please note that the maximum number of attending students is 25.



17 November 2022 | 11:00 – 14:00 | Aula D
EU decision-making process and enlargement: EU sources and how to manage them in policy analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Luisa Chiodi, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, CCI Trento

24 November 2022 | 11:00 – 13:30 | Aula D
Introduction to data journalism: how to find and analyse data on European affairs and how to visualize them, starting from concrete research questions
Lecturer: Dr. Lorenzo Ferrari, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, CCI Trento

15 December 2022 | 12:00 – 14:00 | Aula D
European past and present: monitoring the public dimension of memory
Lecturer: Dr. Marco Abram, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, CCI Trento

22 December 2022 | 12:00 – 14:00 | Aula D
How to write a policy report on Western Balkan affairs: Tips on sources and drafting
Lecturer: Dr. Luisa Chiodi, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, CCI Trento


The Policy Analysis Laboratory: Research, Information and Dissemination on European Policies in
the Western Balkans is co-funded by the Department of Political Science, Law and International
Studies and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union “DG_MED: Digital competences of
academic staff. A new dimension of Mediterranean studies” (Project number: 2020-1-PL01-K226-