Our Lab Project

SPGI Department

Scientific coordinator: Matteo Bassoli, University of Padua.

Scheduled to commence in April 2024, Our Lab aims to enrich the transversal competencies of bachelor and master’s students through engaging laboratory research activities. This initiative is designed to foster a collaborati- ve work environment supported by peer learning, equipping you with practical tools and essential digital skills for the contemporary world. It rests on three pillars: 1. student activation 2. computer skills proficiency (in quantitative & qualitative analysis) 3. ownership of university spaces.


We are offering 40 students a peer-to-peer lear- ning experience, along with our tutors and a group of 10 EGoS trained students. Under the mentorship of Prof. Matteo Bassoli, an expert in Social Research Methodology and co-coordinator of the Urban Policies Research Center, Prof. Valentina Rizzoli, IRAMUTEQ and SPSS expert, and the guidance of Elisa De Matteis, you will work on a research project, enhancing your critical thinking and teamwork skills.

The Our Lab project includes:

  • Development of a research project within the URBES Observatory
  • A 40-hour peer-to-peer course in quantitative analysis
  • A 40-hour peer-to-peer course in qualitative analysis

Participants are expected to improve their skills in computer science, statistical analysis, and qualitative data analysis, applying these competencies in practical scenarios. This endeavor aims to raise the entire student body's awareness of the impor- tance of digital skills for the future.

While Italian language skills would be an added advantage, enabling deeper engagement with the project and broader community, we are prepared to conduct our work in Italian and English to accommodate a diverse group of participants.

If you are passionate about research, eager to develop your digital and analytical skills, and interested in contributing to a collaborative learning environment, we invite you to join the Our Lab core team. Please express your interest by 15th of April 2024 by sending an email to elisa.dematteis@studenti.unipd.it.