Political science in the making. Lunch Seminars

Dipartimento SPGI

Dal 23.05.2023 al 01.06.2023

Scientific coordinator: Matteo Bassoli, University of Padua.

Seminar series

Lunch Seminars

23.05.2023 | ore 12:30 | Aula D, Palazzo Ca' Dottori
Francisco Haz
I State Map on racial and/or ethnic discrimination in the field of housing and informal settlements in Spain - Methodological aspects

25.05.2023 | ore 12:30 | Sala Seminari 2, Palazzo Ca' Dottori
Francisco Haz
KËR Main Findings within the I State Map on racial and/or ethnic discrimination in the field of housing and informal settlements in Spain

30.05.2023 | ore 12:30 | Sala Seminari 2, Palazzo Ca' Dottori
Laura Fumagalli
Gender differences in political attitudes. How much is driven by response behaviour?

01.06.2023 | ore 12:30 | Sala Seminari 2, Palazzo Ca' Dottori
Anna Benvegnù
Ukraine emergency and the challenges to the Italian reception system - a Master Thesis