Seminar | The relaunch of the EU Enlargement for the Western Balkans after the invasion of Ukraine

Aula Nievo, Palazzo Bo


Scientific coordinator: Benedetto Zaccaria, University of Padua.

The seminar The relaunch of the EU Enlargement for the Western Balkans after the invasion of Ukraine will be held on 14 November 2023, at 12:30, in Aula Nievo (Palazzo Bo).

Speaker: Dr. Luisa Chiodi (Director, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa - CCI Trento).

The seminar is held within the Courses Le relazioni internazionali dal 1990 ad oggi (Mod. B) - Prof. Elena Calandri (Master Degree in Relazioni internazionali e diplomazia - RID) and International History of the Balkans - Prof. Benedetto Zaccaria (Master Degree in Human Rights and Multilevel Governance - HRG).