Seminar | Women, work and activism. Chapters of an Inclusive History of Labor in the Long Twentieth Century

Aula B2, Palazzo Ca' Borin, Dipartimento SPGI


Scientific Coordinator: Lorenzo Mechi, Università di Padova.

Master course in Human rights and multi-level governance

Courses of Women’s Human Rights (prof. Paola Degani) and History of International Organization (prof. Lorenzo Mechi) 

The event will be held on March 27, at 2:45 pm.

Discussion with the editors of the book Women, work and activism. Chapters of an Inclusive History of Labor in the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Eloisa Betti, Leda Papastefanaki, Marica Tolomelli, Susan Zimmermann (Central European University Press, 2022).

For further informations about the book please visit the website of CEU PRESS.